Unless explicitly stated, Intel® is not responsible for the contents of such links, and no third-party endorsement of Intel or any of its products is implied.ThrottleStop is an original program by Kevin Glynn, a.k.a. Links to third-party sites and references to third-party trademarks are provided for convenience and illustrative purposes only. Note: In case you do not see the " ProgramData" folder click on the upper tab " View" and check the box " Hidden items". Look for: Disk C:\ProgramData\Intel\Intel Extreme Tuning Utility, take all the files under this folder and paste them in a different folder (even the Desktop if you want), and zip the all the files under this folder ( Right-click on the group of files, then point to Send to and select Compressed (zipped) folder).Press Windows key + E (File explorer Windows will be opened with this key combination).If that does not work, please provide the XTU logs from your system: Then, reinstall the latest XTU version:.
Delete the folder named " Intel® Intel Telemetry" under “C:\ProgramData:”. Delete any folder named Intel® XTU from these locations: " C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel", "C:\ProgramData\Intel". C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v9\InstallUtil.exe /u C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility\XtuService.exe.
Using those pieces of information, open a command prompt as an admin and enter your information for the location of the Extreme Tuning service. Locate XTU service at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility\XtuService.exe. Locate installutil.exe at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v9\InstallUtil.exe.
Delete it manually From Apps and Features. In case you are still facing the same issue, try just reinstalling the Intel® XTU: We followed some steps in an old video, which seem to be the same steps that you followed, can you review it just to make sure that we are on the same page? (you can start from minute 1:00 since you already have the software installed) Using this setup we were able to successfully upload the score to HWBot (check the BenchmarkScore attached). We tried replicating the behavior internally with the following system: Thank you for patiently waiting for an update.